La communication stratégique dans les relations UE-Russie : tensions, défis et opportunités (Ouvrage édité par Evgeny Pashentsev et Erik Vlaeminck
Le 26 avril 2018, des experts européens se sont réunis à l’Université d’État de Moscou pour discuter de l’état des relations internationales et de la couverture médiatique des relations entre l’Union européenne et la Russie dans le contexte de la communication stratégique. Le thème central du séminaire international a donc porté sur la relation actuelle entre l’UE et la Russie. Les débats ont aussi porté sur les défis et les opportunités présentés par les aspects politiques, sociaux et culturels de la communication.
A l’occasion de ce séminaire, un ouvrage collectif a été présenté. Son titre original est en anglais se traduit ainsi : « La communication stratégique dans les relations UE-Russie : tensions, défis et opportunités » ( « Strategic communication in EU-Russia Relations: Tensions, Challenges and Opportunities « edité par Evgeny Pashentsev et Erik Vlaeminck
Cet ouvrage a eu le soutien de l’ICPSC à Moscou (International Center for Socio-Political Studies and Consulting ICSPSC, le soutien académique de l’Institute of Contemporary International Studies and the Department of International Security à l ‘Académie diplomatique du ministère des affaires étrangères de la Fédération de Russie et la plate-forme EURUCM ( European-Russian Communication Management Network ).
Depuis le déclenchement de la crise ukrainienne, les relations entre l’UE et la Russie semblent être en constante détérioration. Selon une tentative d’aller au-delà des analyses traditionnelles, ce livre souhaite montrer le rôle sous-exploré de la communication stratégique des points de vues russe et européen et ce, à travers une approche interdisciplinaire de la sécurité, des relations internationales et des enjeux économiques. Une équipe internationale de chercheurs issu d’Etats membres de l’UE et de la Russie s’est efforcé d’apporter des réponses aux tensions et aux défis majeurs afin de créer une base pour la réconciliation par le dialogue et la remise en question de la communication stratégique actuelle dans les relations EU-Russie. Neuf études de cas différentes traitent de diverses questions allant de la géopolitique et de la sécurité à la diplomatie. Ce livre est utile pour les chercheurs, les spécialistes et les étudiants intéressés par la communication stratégique dans le contexte acteuel des relations UE-Russi
Des chercheurs de cinq pays: Belgique, France, Italie, Russie, Roumanie ont participé à la production de ce livre. L’auteur de la préface du livre est Franco Frattini, président de la l’organisation Italian Society for International Organization, ancien ministre italien des affaires étrangères, vice-président de la Commission européenne et commissaire à la justice, à la liberté et à la sécurité.
Lors de la conférence, le professeur E. Pashentsev a présenté la monographie collective. Comme les deux auteurs l’ont expliqué, c’est un livre qui produit des idées et décrit les défis et les opportunités auxquelles font face les États-membres de l’UE et la Russie. C’est aussi un livre sur les « ponts »: politiques, culturels, sociaux et économiques. Et le plus grand pont de notre histoire que nous sommes sur le point de traverser, ce sont les changements dans notre société mondiale. Nous ne savons pas ce qu’il y a sur l’autre rive et devons tout faire pour rester des êtres humains civilisés et en même temps nous adapter la réalité future.
Au cours de ce séminaire, les étudiants de l’Université d’Etat Lomonosov à Moscou ont participé à cet évènement Ainsi que l’Académie diplomatique du ministère des affaires étrangères de la fédération de Russie
Les modérateurs de ce débat étaient Dr. Anna Kostikova, Chair of the Department of Philosophy of Language and Communication at the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University et le professeur Prof. Evgeny Pashentsev, chercheur éminent au Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies and International Security at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Table des matières de l’ouvrage (original en anglais) :
Table of Contents
Foreword by Franco Frattini 7
Introduction by Evgeny Pashentsev and Erik Vlaeminck 10
Part 1. EU-Russia Strategic Communication: Tendencies and Controversies 21
- Strategic Communication in Russia – EU Relations under Global Shifts 23 Evgeny Pashentsev
- A Strategic Communication at the Service of a Shared Development Project between the EU and Russia. Utopia or Reality? 97 Marco Ricceri
- Focusing on Common Geopolitical Interests: Changing the Focus in EU-Russia Dialogue and Communication? 120 Pierre-Emmanuel Thomann
Part 2. EU-Russia Strategic Communication: Political, Economic and Cultural Aspects 165
- EU — Russia: Strategic Communication in the Innovation Paradigm 167 Marina Shilina
- Cooperation and Trust: When Russia and the European Union Listen to Themselves 188 Marius Vacarelu
- Reconceptualising Culture in Times of Trouble: EU-Russian Cultural Cooperation and Dialogue beyond the Ukraine Crisis 212 Erik Vlaeminck
Part 3. EU-Russia Strategic Communication in Security Dimension 253
- Russia and the West: How Can We Cut through the Deadlock? 255 Oleg Ivanov and Alexander Kopylov
- Counter-Terrorism as a Part of Strategic Communication: The EU’s Experience and Possibilities for Russia 274 Darya Bazarkina
- Geopolitics and Terrorism in the North Caucasus: Consequences of the EU-Russia Confrontation/Cooperation and Jihadist Propaganda 301 Giuliano Bifolchi
Contributors 343
Darya BAZARKINA DSc in Politics (2017). PhD in History (2009). Research Coordinator in Communication Management and Strategic Communication at the International Centre for Social and Political Studies and Consulting (ICSPSC). Associate Professor at the Department for Communication Management, Advertising and PR at the Institute for Journalism, Communication and Media Education at Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU). Professor at the Department for European and Integration Studies at the Institute for World Civilizations. Professor at the Department for International Security and Foreign Affairs at the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Author of three books and more than 70 articles on communication aspects of terrorism and counter-terrorism in Russia and Europe published in Russian, English and Serbian. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Mediterranean and Balkan Intelligence (JMBI) sponsored by the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS, Athens). Participant of more than 40 international academic conferences and seminars in Russia, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Great Britain, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and Turkey. E-mail: bazarkina-icspsc@yandex.ru
Giuliano BIFOLCHI PhD candidate at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. His main field of research concerns the North Caucasus and the Russian strategies to manage the region, overcome socioeconomic problems and contrast local insurgency and terrorist groups. Co-founder of the Association of Studies, Research and Internationalisation in Eurasia and Africa (ASRIE) as well as analyst in security, conflict and international relations. He holds a master’s degree in Peacebuilding Management and International Relations from the Pontifical University San Bonaventura and a Master of Arts in History from the University of Rome Tor Vergata. E-mail: giuliano.bifolchi@gmail.com
Franco FRATTINI Italian Magistrate, appointed State Prosecutor in 1981. Today, he is the Justice and Chamber President to the Italian Supreme Administrative Court (Conseil d’Etat). He served twice as Former Italian Foreign Minister (2002-2004 and 2008-2011), and as Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security (2004-2008). Previously, he served as Secretary-General of the Prime Minister’s Office (1994), President of the Parliamentary Committee for Intelligence and Security Services and State Secrets (1996), Minister for Civil Service and for the Coordination of Information and Security Services (2001-2002), and Member of the Prime Minister Commission for Constitutional reforms (2013 – 2014). Today, he is the President of the Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI), a non-profit organization of internationalist character, working under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. He is a Special Advisor to the Serbian Government for the EU integration process, and President of the High Court of Sport Justice (CONI). He is currently the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for the Transdniestrian Settlement Process. E-mail: f.frattini@sioi.org
Oleg IVANOV Vice-Rector of Research at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. He is a graduate of Moscow State Linguistic University, the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey (USA) and the Postgraduate Department at the Russian Diplomatic Academy. Dr. Ivanov is responsible for research and runs the master’s program International Security at the Diplomatic Academy. His teaching and research experience is US foreign and defense policy, Russian-US relations, European security and theory of international relations. Dr. Ivanov is an expert of the Board of Political Science, the Highest Certification Committee under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. He is a member of the dissertation boards of the Diplomatic Academy, the Institute of Europe, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Federal State Far East University (Vladivostok). E-mail: oleg.ivanov@dipacademy.ru
Alexander KOPYLOV PhD in Political Science (Unites States Defense Studies), professor. He is a graduate of the Lenin Political-Military Academy, the National Defense University (USA) and the General Staff Military Academy of the Russian Federation Armed Forces. Colonel (Ret.) His teaching experience is philosophy, military history and theory of national security. His areas of research include: geopolitics, United States national security, foreign and defense policy. A. Kopylov is the author of 10 books and more than 120 academic articles. He is a member of the dissertation boards of several Russian educational institutions. E-mail: shashike@mail.ru
Evgeny PASHENTSEV Doctor in History (Latin American Studies). Leading researcher at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, professor at the Department of Philosophy of Language and Communication at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Director of the International Centre for Social and Political Studies and Consulting. Coordinator of the European-Russian EU-RU-CM Network and the RussianLatin American Strategic Studies Association. Author and/or editor of 34 books and more than 140 academic articles. Honorary Research Fellow at Birmingham University (October-November 2005). Presentation of papers at more than 150 international conferences and seminars for the last 10 years in 20 countries. Areas of research: strategic communication, international security, military regimes, perspective technologies and models of social development. Member of the international Advisory Board of Comunicar (Spain) and the editorial board of The Journal of Political Marketing (USA). E-mail: icspsc@mail.ru
Marco RICCERI Expert in European social and labour policies. He is acting as the general secretary of the EURISPES, a primary Italian research institute in the economic, social, territorial development. Ricceri is the coordinator of the Ethic Committee of the A.E.I. – European Agency of Investments, Geie, Bruxelles. He is enrolled in the list of “Pool of Reviewers” of the ESF-European Science Foundation, Strasbourg for “European Social Policy” and “Industrial Relations”. He is a coordinator of the European-Russian EU-RU-CM Network and co-founder of the European Research Group “European Social Model” (LondonBremen-Rome). He is a founding member of EAVI-European Association for Viewers Interests (Brussels), dealing with the dissemination of Media Literacy and Media Education. Ricceri was awarded the Degree Honoris Causa in European Policies by the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, IE-RAS. E-mail: eurispes.intl-dept@libero.it
Marina SHILINA Marina Shilina is Doctor in Philology (New Media & PR) and Professor at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Areas of research: Strategic Communication, New Media, PR, Digital Humanities & Critical Data Studies. She is an author of more than hundred scientific articles as well as several books during the last 10 years. Her monograph “Corporate Communication on the Internet” received a PPOBA IPRA Golden Award and the monograph “Textogenic Transformations of Infosphere. A Methodological Sketch of the Developing of the Internet” the National PR Award. She has presented her research at more than 100 international conferences in Europe, America and Africa. She is co-editor of the Special issue devoted to data turn and ethics of the Russian Journal of Communication (Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2017). She is the former vice-president of the Association of Public Relations Academic Teachers (APSO, Russia), and the curator of academic programmes of IABC/Russia. She is a member of the International Communication Association (ICA) and the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA). E-mail: marina.shilina@gmail.com
Pierre-Emmanuel THOMANN Dr Pierre-Emmanuel Thomann is a French researcher, expert and lecturer in Geopolitics (Doctor from the French Institute of Geopolitics, Paris 8 University). He is the president/founder of an international association (EUROCONTINENT) based in Brussels, Belgium, to promote geopolitical analysis and foster common interests identification between Nations and States at EU, pan-European (including Russia), Eurasian (Central Asia) and Euro-Mediterranean scales. He participated in 2016 as an expert to the “EU-Russia Experts Network” organized by the EU delegation in Moscow. He was also adviser at the European Institute of International Relations (IERI-Brussels) from 2007 to 2014, a think-tank specialized in European strategic issues. Previously, he was the Director of a French region representation office towards the EU (1997 – 2006). E-mail: pierre-emmanuel.thomann@eurocontinent.eu
Marius VACARELU PhD. Political scientist and legal expert. Graduated from the Law Faculty in Bucharest. He teaches public law in the National School of Political Science and Public Administration since 2005. Member of the committee which edits the Romanian magazine “GeoPolitica”. Head of the “The Geopolitics of the East Association” which runs the website www.geopoliticaestului.ro. Author / co-author / coordinator of 18 books and more than 140 scientific articles. Marius Vacarelu is a frequent speaker on Romanian television on geopolitics issues. He is a blogger to Romania’s most important journal Romania – “Adevarul” – http://adevarul.ro/blogs/marius.vacarelu. He presented papers and published articles in Russia, Czech Republic, France, Poland and the United Kingdom. E-mail: marius333vacarelu@gmail.com
Erik VLAEMINCK Erik is a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh and holds an MA in Russian and Eurasian Studies from Leiden University and an MA in Slavonic and Eastern European Studies from KU Leuven. His research interests include Russian studies, strategic communication and cultural relations with a specific focus on Russia and China. He regularly delivers public and academic talks on these topics in Europe, Russia and China and has a growing record of publications. He is co-editor of The Politics and Complexities of Crisis Management in Ukraine: A historical perspective (NY and Oxon: Routledge, 2017). In early 2018, Erik was an invited scholar at the University of Tyumen (Russia) where he developed a research project related to soft power and cultural relations. E-mail: s1577995@sms.ed.ac.uk