Hyderabad Declaration on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Wellness (DW) 2021
The Hyderabad Declaration was adopted by the participants of the International Conference “Accelerating Actions and Promoting Digital Wellness (DW) in the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI)” March 24-25, 2021. The conference, hosted by the University of Hyderabad (India) in the framework of the UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Information for All Program, brought together politicians, government officials, industry representatives, civil society activists, scientists and international experts from Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Kenya, Morocco, Peru, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
The themes of the International Conference have been deliberated in the context of United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4, 16 and 17, UN charter, Universal declaration for human rights and some specific mechanisms on AI.
Under the Hyderabad Declaration on AI & DW:
We acknowledge the significance of AI and its impact on society at large. We, therefore, commit to a more responsible usage of AI with an emphasis on DW.
We, the participants of this conference and the signatories to the HYDERABAD DECLARATION on AI & DW, affirm the following:
- Promote socially responsible use of AI with respect to the universal values and principles as state’s sovereignty as included in international law in relation to biases and threats to human dignity, equality and gender, human autonomy, social justice and democracy.
- Promote people awareness on privacy related aspects in digital cyber world and educate people to be aware of its importance for securing themselves.
- Provide scope and recommendations for the development of AI responsible matrix and digital wellness tool.
- Encourage partnerships between developers and other stakeholders for responsible social media and AI; underline the responsibility of the very large platform in the dissemination of disinformation and the necessity to regulate it.
- Promote enhanced application of social media by all stakeholders as a peace-building tool within communities complimented by use of local cultural heritage sites and artefacts with respect to diversity.
- Consider social and cultural ethos of the indigenous and marginalized societies while designing AI systems and the communities need to involve all communities in this process and to increase the cultural diversity.
- Incorporate indigenous knowledge of the communities into governance of AI technologies for realising inclusive societies and for fulfilling sustainable development goals.
- Stimulate the connection between National Assessment Systems in Literacy and the development of instruments and methodologies in Artificial Intelligence to overcome bottlenecks.
- Accelerate actions and promote DW for life and productive interaction in multilingual educational environments through artificial intelligence
- Need to assess the individual and societal risks linked with the introduction of certain AI applications in the society and the state by a multidisciplinary team of experts.
- Develop broad programmes to educate citizens not only in the use of AI in all walks of life political, social, economic and also to the risks imposed by AI the international psychological security, but also in the psychological and political sphere.
- Focus more on questions of data and technological sovereignty, geopolitical balance and policies to counter threats to international psychological security (IPS) by the malicious use of artificial intelligence (MUAI).
- Usage of AI in digital marketing must certify that the data gathered has satisfied the requirements of data being given voluntarily and with the knowledge of those giving data.
- Need to certify the biases in data and ethical issues in the usage of their products by uninitiated or unaware users by those who are building AI Tools and Software for use by general public.
- Formulate recommendations for neutralization of MUAI threats by scientific-analytical and monitoring centres.
- Provide all possible organizational, financial, and political support to proactive international interdisciplinary teams of specialists conducting research on MUAI threats to the psychological security of people and society.
- Hold an international scientific and practical interdisciplinary forum like World Economic Forum (WEF) or Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development (IGF) on social and international risks of Agenda Setting based on AI technologies.
- Create methods that help people to have independence, knowledge, and insight to better judge information.
- Create methods and platforms that help the process of communication and discussion between people.
- Elaborate International instrument or mechanism, like Budapest convention on cybercrime, aimed on stopping further distribution of cybercrimes.
- Promote international cooperation in R&D related to ethics in AI.
- Rethink legal framework concerning transnational corporation, especially big tech to ensure the respect of State technological sovereignty and universal principles and values.
- Integrate individuals, civil society, and all stakeholders in AI governance considering gender approach.
- Promote local research and development in the field of beneficent, ethical and law-compliant AI systems and other advanced technologies.
- Anonymise the data collected as part of gamification implementations and contribute towards central Human Emotional Data Model (HEDM). Mapping of individual social graphs on the regional and Central HEDM’s will give better alignment of government policies, budgetary spending.
- Proactively intelligence collected by HEDM can reduce the friction in connecting various charitable NGOs to enable them to serve their purpose well in time.
- Create National Multi-Stakeholder Consortia for the involvement of indigenous peoples and their allies at multiple levels in the planning and execution of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages;
- Systematize the practices of the Member States in using indigenous languages to the information and communication about COVID19 and the use of indigenous languages in public health care systems for indigenous peoples;
- Produce a Common Framework of Reference for Indigenous Languages, which takes a step forward in relation to the UNESCO Atlas of the Languages of the World, with concrete provisions for its technological equipment and its increasing use in the areas of health, education and sustainable development.
- Need to strengthen AI capacities through education and training.
- Address core social and ethical questions around use of AI.
- Need to have vision and clarity of AI strategy and its implementation.
- Promote international cooperation in R&D related to ethics in AI.
- Rethink legal framework concerning transnational corporation especially big tech to ensure the respect of State technological sovereignty and universal principles and values.
- Integrate individuals, civil society, and all stakeholders in AI governance considering gender approach.
- Support the development of national and international grant projects on the social consequences of the use of AI, including in the field of preventing threats to international psychological security associated with the malicious use of AI »
The signatories of the Hyderabad Declaration on AI & DW will therefore make an effort to promote responsible AI governance, application and accessibility.
This document was drafted and agreed by the participants of the conference.